
2011年-01月-23日 来源:mebo




1. 血管内皮细胞能够分泌抑制肿瘤生长和转移的物质
美国MIT的科学家发现血管内皮细胞能够分泌抑制肿瘤生长和转移的物质。血管内皮细胞过去曾被认为主要是调节往返组织的血液运输,后来发现它们还能控制血管收缩和扩张,甚至更重要的作用象通过释放细胞因子和大分子糖蛋白复合物来调节凝血、组织修复、炎症和疤痕形成。MIT科学家的这项最新研究显示血管内皮细胞的分泌物在体外细胞生长试验和老鼠试验都能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和侵袭力。在数百种分泌物中,他们找到对此起重要作用的两种:大分子糖蛋白-基底膜聚糖和细胞因子白介素IL-6。当内皮细胞分泌大量基底膜聚糖和极少IL-6时能有效抑制癌细胞的侵袭,反之无效。MIT已经许可Pervasis Therapeutics公司利用此项技术,该公司计划在人体进行测试。


【参考论文】Sci Transl Med 19 January 2011: Vol. 3, Issue 66, p. 66ra5
Stromal Endothelial Cells Directly Influence Cancer Progression
Joseph W. Franses, Aaron B. Baker, Vipul C. Chitalia and Elazer R. Edelman
Cancer growth and metastasis are regulated in part by stromal cells such as fibroblasts and immune cells within the tumor microenvironment. Endothelial cells (ECs) are also ubiquitous within tumors because tumors are vascular, and yet, the impact of tumor-resident ECs is less well understood. Through paracrine regulation, ECs modulate a diverse spectrum of pathophysiologic processes in normal and hyperplastic tissues. We hypothesized that ECs offer similar paracrine regulatory control of cancer biology. Indeed, secretions from quiescent ECs muted the proliferative and invasive phenotype of lung and breast cancer cells in vitro and reduced cancer cell protumorigenic and proinflammatory signaling. EC perlecan silencing significantly changed this regulatory relationship, eliminating the ability of ECs to inhibit cancer cell invasiveness via increased interleukin-6 secretion. Moreover, implanting ECs embedded within porous matrices slowed adjacent xenograft tumor growth and prevented architectural degeneration, with a concomitant reduction in proliferative and tumorigenic markers. Finally, lung carcinoma cells pretreated with intact EC-conditioned media, but not media conditioned with perlecan-silenced ECs, exhibited reduced micrometastatic burden after tail vein injection. These findings add to an emerging appreciation of EC-regulatory effects that transcend their structural roles and pave the way for improved characterization and control of EC-cancer cross-talk interactions for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of cancer.

2. 从皮肤细胞直接诱导出软骨细胞
  日本大阪大学医学院的科学家在一项新的研究中使用了从成年老鼠皮肤中分离的成纤维母细胞,表达了以前用来与软骨细胞命运决定因子一同诱导细胞多能性的一些蛋白,生产出具有类似软骨细胞特性的细胞,将其注射到老鼠体内能够产生软骨。临床上透明软骨损伤的修复仍然是个难题,该研究用逆转录病毒表达的两种重组因子c-Myc and Klf4连同一种软骨形成因子SOX9将成年老鼠皮肤的成纤维母细胞在细胞培养中直接诱导形成多角形的软骨细胞,不需要经过iPS细胞。这样诱导形成的细胞系皮下注射到裸鼠体内,一些形成了肿瘤,另一些形成了同质的稳定的透明软骨样组织。研究者相信这可能是迈向发现用患者自身皮肤细胞修复软骨损伤的疗法的重要一步。


【参考论文】Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011; DOI: 10.1172/JCI44605
Generation of hyaline cartilaginous tissue from mouse adult dermal fibroblast culture by defined factors
Kunihiko Hiramatsu, Satoru Sasagawa, Hidetatsu Outani, et al.
Repair of cartilage injury with hyaline cartilage continues to be a challenging clinical problem. Because of the limited number of chondrocytes in vivo, coupled with in vitro de-differentiation of chondrocytes into fibrochondrocytes, which secrete type I collagen and have an altered matrix architecture and mechanical function, there is a need for a novel cell source that produces hyaline cartilage. The generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has provided a tool for reprogramming dermal fibroblasts to an undifferentiated state by ectopic expression of reprogramming factors. Here, we show that retroviral expression of two reprogramming factors (c-Myc and Klf4) and one chondrogenic factor (SOX9) induces polygonal chondrogenic cells directly from adult dermal fibroblast cultures. Induced cells expressed marker genes for chondrocytes but not fibroblasts, i.e., the promoters of type I collagen genes were extensively methylated. Although some induced cell lines formed tumors when subcutaneously injected into nude mice, other induced cell lines generated stable homogenous hyaline cartilage–like tissue. Further, the doxycycline-inducible induction system demonstrated that induced cells are able to respond to chondrogenic medium by expressing endogenous Sox9 and maintain chondrogenic potential after substantial reduction of transgene expression. Thus, this approach could lead to the preparation of hyaline cartilage directly from skin, without generating iPS cells.

3. IRF5双向调节免疫反应


【参考论文】Nature Immunology, 2011; DOI: 10.1038/ni.1990
IRF5 promotes inflammatory macrophage polarization and TH1-TH17 responses
Thomas Krausgruber, Katrina Blazek, Tim Smallie, et al.
Polymorphisms in the gene encoding the transcription factor IRF5 that lead to higher mRNA expression are associated with many autoimmune diseases. Here we show that IRF5 expression in macrophages was reversibly induced by inflammatory stimuli and contributed to the plasticity of macrophage polarization. High expression of IRF5 was characteristic of M1 macrophages, in which it directly activated transcription of the genes encoding interleukin 12 subunit p40 (IL-12p40), IL-12p35 and IL-23p19 and repressed the gene encoding IL-10. Consequently, those macrophages set up the environment for a potent T helper type 1 (TH1)-TH17 response. Global gene expression analysis demonstrated that exogenous IRF5 upregulated or downregulated expression of established phenotypic markers of M1 or M2 macrophages, respectively. Our data suggest a critical role for IRF5 in M1 macrophage polarization and define a previously unknown function for IRF5 as a transcriptional repressor.

4.  母体的干细胞解决胎儿细胞移植问题


【参考论文】Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2011; DOI: 10.1172/JCI44907
Maternal T cells limit engraftment after in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation in mice
Amar Nijaga, Marta Wegorzewska, Erin Jarvis, et al.
Transplantation of allogeneic stem cells into the early gestational fetus, a treatment termed in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation (IUHCTx), could potentially overcome the limitations of bone marrow transplants, including graft rejection and the chronic immunosuppression required to prevent rejection. However, clinical use of IUHCTx has been hampered by poor engraftment, possibly due to a host immune response against the graft. Since the fetal immune system is relatively immature, we hypothesized that maternal cells trafficking into the fetus may pose the true barrier to effective IUHCTx. Here, we have demonstrated that there is macrochimerism of maternal leukocytes in the blood of unmanipulated mouse fetuses, with substantial increases in T cell trafficking after IUHCTx. To determine the contribution of these maternal lymphocytes to rejection after IUHCTx, we bred T and/or B cell–deficient mothers to wild-type fathers and performed allogeneic IUHCTx into the immunocompetent fetuses. There was a marked improvement in engraftment if the mother lacked T cells but not B cells, indicating that maternal T cells are the main barrier to engraftment. Furthermore, when the graft was matched to the mother, there was no difference in engraftment between syngeneic and allogeneic fetal recipients. Our study suggests that the clinical success of IUHCTx may be improved by transplanting cells matched to the mother.

5.  稀有癌症的独特基因型
 美国约翰霍普金斯医学院的科学家的最新研究表明其肿瘤有特定基因编码错误的胰岛细胞癌患者存活时间是没有这类错误的患者的两倍。胰岛细胞癌占所有胰腺癌的大概5%,每个患有这种少见癌症的患者都有其独特的遗传编码能够预测疾病的侵袭性与其对特定治疗的敏感性。因此根据基因类型而不是只根据器官和细胞种类来划分癌症可能更有用。在这项新研究中,在MEN-1, DAXX 和 ATRX三个基因发生突变的胰岛细胞癌患者确诊后存活至少10年,而那些肿瘤没有这三个基因突变的患者超过60%死于确诊后5年内。


【参考论文】Science, 2011; DOI: 10.1126/science.1200609
DAXX/ATRX, MEN1, and mTOR Pathway Genes Are Frequently Altered in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Y. Jiao, C. Shi, B. H. Edil, et al.
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PanNETs) are a rare but clinically important form of pancreatic neoplasia. To explore the genetic basis of PanNETs, we determined the exomic sequences of ten nonfamilial PanNETs and then screened the most commonly mutated genes in 58 additional PanNETs. The most frequently mutated genes specify proteins implicated in chromatin remodeling: 44% of the tumors had somatic inactivating mutations in MEN-1, which encodes menin, a component of a histone methyltransferase complex; and 43% had mutations in genes encoding either of the two subunits of a transcription/chromatin remodeling complex consisting of DAXX (death-domain associated protein) and ATRX (alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked). Clinically, mutations in the MEN1 and DAXX/ATRX genes were associated with better prognosis. We also found mutations in genes in the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway in 14% of the tumors, a finding that could potentially be used to stratify patients for treatment with mTOR inhibitors.

6. Ras效应物转换决定不同的细胞命运


【参考论文】Developmental Cell, 2011; 20 (1): 84 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2010.12.004
Ras Effector Switching Promotes Divergent Cell Fates in C. elegans Vulval Patterning
Tanya P. Zand, David J. Reiner, Channing J. Der.
The C. elegans vulva is patterned by epidermal growth factor (EGF) activation of Ras to control 1 fate, and 1 fate induces antagonistic Notch-dependent 2 fate. Furthermore, a spatial EGF gradient, in addition to inducing 1 fate, directly contributes to 2 fate via an unknown pathway. We find that in addition to its canonical effector, Raf, vulval Ras utilizes an exchange factor for the Ral small GTPase (RalGEF), such that Ras-RalGEF-Ral antagonizes Ras-Raf pro-1 fate activity. Consistent with its restricted expression pattern, Ral participates in EGF pro-2 activity. Thus, we have delineated a Ras effector-switching mechanism whereby position within the morphogen gradient dictates that Ras effector usage is switched to RalGEF from Raf to promote 2 instead of 1 fate. Our observations define the utility of Ras effector switching during normal development and may provide a possible mechanistic basis for cell and cancer-type differences in effector dependency and activation.